Price p/p based on a double room.
All packages can be customized according to your wishes,
Please press the button “Ask for a quote!”.
Prices not valid for christmas, new year, carnaval and further national holidays.


  • All transfers and excursions as mentionned.
  • All entry tickets.
  • English speaking guides during all transfers and excursions (other guides on demand).
  • This package is based bed & breakfast.
  • The mentionned hotel(s) can be switched for other ones of equal class when all rooms are occupied.
  • Tips for guides.
  • All drinks during meals.
  • Domestic flight (see Brazil Airpass).
  • Travel insurances.

Tour Plan

Arrival airport Salvador, transfer with English speaking guide to  Grande hotel da Barra  situated at the beautiful city-beach of Porta da Barra and about 10 from the historic citycenter of Pelourinho.
After breakfast city-tour visiting the historical citycenter Pelourinho protected by the UNESCO, the "Mercado Modelo" the cathedral and other highlights. Transfer back to the hotel around noon. Free afternoon or tour (optional).
Breakfast in the hotel. Free day or optional tours. Transfer to the airport.

Exploring the Enchanting Beauty of Salvador de Bahia, Brazil

Exploring the Enchanting Beauty of Salvador de Bahia, Brazil

Salvador de Bahia, a captivating Brazilian gem, offers an immersive journey into the heart of rich culture, mesmerizing beaches, and vibrant traditions. This article delves into the magic of Salvador de Bahia, unveiling its hidden treasures and unique charm.

Unveiling Salvador de Bahia’s Rich Cultural Tapestry

Salvador de Bahia, often referred to simply as Salvador, is a city where history comes alive. Nestled along the northeastern coast of Brazil, Salvador is renowned for its vivid and diverse cultural heritage. From the rhythmic beats of Afro-Brazilian music to the mouthwatering flavors of Bahian cuisine, this city offers a sensory explosion like no other.

Experiencing the Soul-Stirring Rhythms of Salvador

Samba and Carnival: A Melodic Extravaganza

One cannot mention Salvador without celebrating its deep-rooted connection to Samba and the world-famous Carnival. Every year, Salvador hosts one of the largest Carnival celebrations on the planet. The streets come alive with exuberant parades, colorful costumes, and infectious music, making it an unforgettable experience for anyone fortunate enough to attend.

Capoeira: A Dance of Martial Arts

Capoeira, a unique blend of martial arts and dance, originated in Salvador de Bahia. This captivating art form is a testament to the city’s Afro-Brazilian heritage. Watching skilled Capoeira practitioners perform is a treat for the senses, as they gracefully combine acrobatics, music, and combat in a mesmerizing display of skill and culture.

Paradise Found: Salvador’s Pristine Beaches

Porto da Barra Beach: A Sun Lover’s Paradise

Porto da Barra Beach is a sun-soaked haven that beckons beach enthusiasts from all corners of the globe. Its calm, turquoise waters and golden sands provide the perfect backdrop for a day of relaxation or water sports. Whether you’re swimming, paddleboarding, or simply sunbathing, Porto da Barra Beach offers a slice of paradise.

Praia do Forte: A Natural Wonder

Praia do Forte, a picturesque fishing village, is a short drive from Salvador. Here, you can marvel at the natural beauty of Tamar Project, a sea turtle preservation initiative. Witnessing these magnificent creatures up close is a humbling experience and a reminder of Salvador’s commitment to environmental conservation.

Savoring the Flavors of Bahian Cuisine

Bahian cuisine is an essential part of the Salvadoran experience. Indulge your taste buds in an array of delectable dishes, from Acarajé (deep-fried bean cakes) to Moqueca (a flavorful seafood stew). The fusion of African, Indigenous, and Portuguese influences creates a culinary symphony that will leave you craving for more.

Supporting Salvador’s Unique Charms

Salvador de Bahia is a destination that leaves an indelible mark on all who visit. If you’re captivated by its allure and want to support the preservation of its culture and heritage, consider contributing to the cause. Your support will help ensure that future generations can continue to revel in the magic of this remarkable city.

In conclusion, Salvador de Bahia is a place where history, culture, and natural beauty converge. From the pulsating rhythms of Samba to the tranquil shores of its beaches and the savory delights of Bahian cuisine, this city is a sensory delight waiting to be explored. So, pack your bags and embark on an unforgettable journey to Salvador de Bahia, where every moment is a celebration of life and culture.

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